Economic sciences Energy economics

Duration 2 Year
Cost    1054.0 $
Apply Date     2023-08-23
Start Date    2023-12-22

Economic sciences Energy economics

Indeed, this advanced economic program is designed to educate students for roles in the country's energy sector, including oil. The curriculum also covers other energy topics such as electricity, water, and gas. Graduates of this program are equipped to undertake critical or reform projects in the field of energy-based industries. This could involve analyzing and proposing improvements to existing practices, developing new strategies for energy production and distribution, or working on policy and planning related to energy resources. It's a comprehensive program that prepares students for a range of roles in the energy sector.

Degree Master
Program Unit 28 - 32 Unit
Category Type The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester Applied sciences and professions social Sciences Public Universities
Group Economic science
