Architectural engineering

Duration 2 Year
Cost    1160.0 $
Apply Date     2023-08-23
Start Date    2023-12-22

Architectural engineering

In postgraduate studies, students of architecture have the opportunity to specialize in one of seven areas: Sustainable Architecture, Housing Architecture, Educational and Cultural Architecture, Sanitary Space Architecture, Technology Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Technical Architecture. At the Ph.D. level, the field of Architectural Engineering offers three specializations: Islamic Architectural Orientation, Architectural Technology, and Landscape Architecture. Architectural Engineering is an interdisciplinary field, blending elements of both science and art. While it is often considered a subset of mathematics and physics, it also incorporates artistic and technical aspects, making it a unique blend of these disciplines. This combination allows for the creation of structures that are not only functional and efficient but also aesthetically pleasing.

Degree Master
Program Unit 28 - 32 Unit
Category Type The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester Art, design and strengthening of architecture Public Universities
Group Architecture
