Architecture and energy

Duration 2 Year
Cost    1160.0 $
Apply Date     2023-08-23
Start Date    2023-12-22

Architecture and energy

Absolutely, the field of Architectural Design and Building Science aims to educate specialists who are well-versed in the principles and foundations of architectural design, as well as the latest building technologies. The program focuses on: - **Architectural Design Principles**: Understanding the fundamental concepts and techniques of architectural design. - **Building Science and Technologies**: Gaining knowledge about the latest technologies and scientific principles applied in the construction industry. - **Project Management**: Developing skills to effectively manage and coordinate design and construction projects. Graduates from this program are prepared to take on various roles such as designer, coordinator, and project manager in design and construction projects. They are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of architectural issues and the technical principles of building, enabling them to contribute effectively to the field of architecture and construction. This field is an excellent choice for those who are passionate about architecture and wish to contribute to the creation of functional, aesthetically pleasing, and sustainable built environments.

Degree Master
Program Unit 28 - 32 Unit
Category Type The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester Art, design and strengthening of architecture Public Universities
Group Architecture and construction arts
