
Duration 2 Year
Cost    650.0 $
Apply Date     2023-08-23
Start Date    2023-12-22


Computer hardware, the tangible components of a computer system, operates independently from the data it stores and the tasks it performs. This physical entity is distinct from software, which provides the necessary instructions for the hardware to execute tasks. The boundary between hardware and software is often blurred, creating a complex interplay. A particular aspect of this is the 'Vare' form, a type of built-in hardware. This is typically the domain of programmers and computer engineers, and can pose challenges for everyday computer users. Understanding this intricate relationship between hardware and software is crucial in the realm of computer science.

Degree Bachelor
Program Unit 130 - 160 Unit
Category Type The tuition Engineering and technology Computer science and IT Non-medical undergraduate degree in February Public Universities
Group Department of Engineering and Computer Science and Information Technology
