

History is a field of study that explores the past transformations of human society, which can be rooted in political, economic, social, or cultural contexts. Students of history need to exhibit discipline and possess the ability to accurately depict and critically analyze historical events. The discipline of history intersects with various other fields such as philosophy, geography, sociology, economics, politics, and culture, creating a comprehensive understanding of societal evolution.
3,400.00 $
22 Day 10 Month 1 Year
The tuition historical Non-medical doctorate courses, February semester Public Universities Islamic civilization PhD

University of Tehran
University of Tehran

Worlds Ranking 601 %
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History, a strategic discipline, delves into the study of past transformations within human society. Its objective is to analyze the causes of historical events, devise strategies to avert similar issues in contemporary society, rejuvenate present understanding, and foster foresight for the future.
2 Year
The tuition Islamic civilization historical Non-medical undergraduate degree in February Public Universities Bachelor

Kurdistan University - Sanandaj
Kurdistan University - Sanandaj

Worlds Ranking 601 %
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Religions and mysticism

The field of "Religions and Mysticism" is a significant trend in Islamic theology and education. This discipline, which is part of the humanities and Islamic sciences in various schools and universities, familiarizes students with the background, emergence, evolution, and decline of various religions. It involves studying the principles of each religion, including their rules, customs, beliefs, and ethics. This field is particularly suitable for those interested in Islamic subjects and generally ideological and philosophical topics. Graduates can find opportunities in various sectors such as education, teaching, journalism, research, and other employment positions. This discipline provides a comprehensive understanding of various religions and mystical traditions.
375.00 $
2 Year
The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester historical Public Universities Islamic civilization Master

Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University - Tabriz
Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University - Tabriz

Worlds Ranking 601 %
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The Islamic Shia Islamic jurisprudence (Ahlul-e Ray) in which the verses of the Quran are mentioned and the verses of the Quran are mentioned in the Holy Quran
3,400.00 $
22 Day 10 Month 1 Year
The tuition Humanities Non-medical doctorate courses, February semester Public Universities Islamic civilization PhD

University of Tehran
University of Tehran

Worlds Ranking 601 %
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Jurisprudence and the Basics of Islamic Law

Jurisprudence and Islamic law encompass the examination of various economic, social, and political issues within society, all through the lens of Islamic law and human rights. These fields assess duties and rights from a Sharia perspective, exploring relationships such as that between man and God, between individuals, and the responsibilities of individuals towards themselves and nature. Essentially, these disciplines provide a comprehensive understanding of societal dynamics within the context of Islamic principles.
22 Day 10 Month 1 Year
The tuition Humanities Non-medical doctorate courses, February semester Public Universities Islamic civilization PhD

University of Tabriz
University of Tabriz

Worlds Ranking 601 %
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