
Medicinal chemistry

Indeed, Pharmaceutical Chemistry is a fundamental specialty within the field of Pharmacy. It leverages various branches of chemistry, including organic chemistry, to design, identify, or extract structures that have optimal therapeutic effects and minimal side effects. By understanding the chemical structure of drugs and their active functional groups, pharmaceutical chemists can produce the raw materials necessary for the development of the pharmaceutical industry. This knowledge is crucial for the synthesis of effective and safe medications, contributing significantly to healthcare and medicine. It's a fascinating and impactful field for anyone interested in the intersection of chemistry and healthcare.
1,150.00 $
2 Year
The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester Mathematics and natural sciences Public Universities Master

Mazandaran University - Babolsar
Mazandaran University - Babolsar

Worlds Ranking 1001 %
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Chemical orientation of analytical chemistry

Analytical Chemistry is a branch of chemistry that investigates various methods of separation, extraction, and identification. It also involves the quantitative analysis of the natural or artificial components of a substance.
1,150.00 $
2 Year
The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester Mathematics and natural sciences Public Universities Master

Mazandaran University - Babolsar
Mazandaran University - Babolsar

Worlds Ranking 1001 %
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Applied chemistry orientation

Chemistry is a scientific discipline that explores the world of atoms, elements, molecules, ions, and the structure and properties of materials. It delves into their behaviors and the changes they undergo. Through the use of chemical reactions, chemists aim to create new, functional materials with beneficial properties.
1,150.00 $
2 Year
The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester Mathematics and natural sciences Public Universities Master

Mazandaran University - Babolsar
Mazandaran University - Babolsar

Worlds Ranking 1001 %
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Chemistry Orientation Chemistry Physics

The field of "Physical Chemistry" is a fundamental branch of chemistry that uses the principles and laws of physics to explain chemical phenomena. This discipline, grounded in the laws and principles of physics and mathematics, studies chemical reactions from the perspectives of thermodynamics and kinetics. It delves into the study of equilibrium in chemical reactions, fuzzy balance, energy changes, and more. This field provides a comprehensive understanding of the physical principles underlying chemical reactions.
1,150.00 $
2 Year
The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester Mathematics and natural sciences Public Universities Master

Mazandaran University - Babolsar
Mazandaran University - Babolsar

Worlds Ranking 1001 %
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Chemistry Trend of Marine Chemistry

The field of "Physical Chemistry" is a fundamental branch of chemistry that uses the principles and laws of physics to explain chemical phenomena. This discipline, grounded in the laws and principles of physics and mathematics, studies chemical reactions from the perspectives of thermodynamics and kinetics. It delves into the study of equilibrium in chemical reactions, fuzzy balance, energy changes, and more. This field provides a comprehensive understanding of the physical principles underlying chemical reactions.
1,150.00 $
2 Year
The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester Mathematics and natural sciences Public Universities Master

Mazandaran University - Babolsar
Mazandaran University - Babolsar

Worlds Ranking 1001 %
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