Shahrud University of Technology

Date Establishment 1973
World Ranking
Master 862
Academic Staff 862
Students 11756
International Students 150

Shahrud University, a state-run institution in Shahrud city, Semnan province, was established in 1973. It currently has a vibrant academic community of 11,756 students and 862 instructors. The university has made significant contributions to academia, having published 10,069 scientific articles in domestic journals and conferences. Shahrud University of Technology, a part of the university, is the publisher of nine specialized journals. It has hosted 23 conferences and produced 4,558 internationally-accredited articles. In 2023, researchers at Shahrud University of Technology published numerous articles, with "artificial neural network" and "river" being the most common keywords. This information provides a snapshot of the extensive academic activities and contributions of Shahrud University and its technology division. The university continues to be a hub of research and learning, fostering innovation and knowledge creation.

Department of Earth Sciences Faculty of Physics Faculty of Chemistry Faculty of Agriculture Engineering Faculty of Architecture and Urban Engineering Faculty of Engineering Chemistry and Materials Faculty of Mining Engineering, Geophysics and Petroleum Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Administration of Civil Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Faculty of Computer Engineering and Information Technology School of Electrical Engineering

Shahrud University evaluates its research output based on the production of scientific articles over time. The highest rating, 'one', is given to the scientific center with the most significant number of scientific productions, which includes conference papers and journals. Other centers are ranked lower accordingly. The chart over the years shows a relatively low number of papers from Shahrud Industrial University. Each center is given two ranks, which are determined in comparison to all other scientific centers in the country. It's important to note that the count of indexed papers for the year 1398 is not yet finalized, hence the ranking for that year was not determined until a year later. All diagrams on this site are kept up-to-date, and any new indexed articles will be promptly reflected in the charts.

Shahrud Industrial University offers a variety of accommodation options for its students. It has six state-run dormitories and four self-governing ones. The Boys' Dormitory Complex, consisting of five blocks, is situated in the central campus. The Engineering and New Technologies campus houses three dormitories named Refah, Wilayat, and Hedayat, along with a special block for graduate students and a research dormitory. To further cater to student needs, the university has set aside the second round of Ammidian (self-funded) dormitories and a two-block agricultural research center for male students. Female students have the Miraboutalib Autonomous Dormitory, which consists of two blocks. In addition to these, the university is in the process of constructing dormitories for married students, demonstrating its commitment to providing comfortable living arrangements for all its students.

The initial registration fee for students at the university is $50. An annual fee of $50 is also required. For those interested in the Persian language course, which caters to all levels from beginner to advanced, the fee is $300.