
Duration 22 Day 10 Month 1 Year
Cost    1325.0 $
Apply Date     2023-08-23
Start Date    2024-01-30


Sociology, a branch of social science, is dedicated to the exploration of society and its complexities. It delves into human social behavior, the patterns that emerge in social relationships, and the nuances of everyday culture. By studying these aspects, sociology provides valuable insights into the dynamics of our social world, helping us understand how individuals interact within societal structures and how these interactions shape our collective experiences. This field plays a crucial role in shedding light on societal norms, behaviors, and relationships, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of our social environment.

Degree PhD
Program Unit 12 - 18 Unit
Category Type The tuition Applied sciences and professions social Sciences Non-medical doctorate courses, February semester Public Universities
Group Social science
