History and civilization of Islamic nations

Duration 2 Year
Cost    72000000.0 $
Apply Date     2023-08-23
Start Date    2023-12-22

History and civilization of Islamic nations

The field of "Religions and Mysticism" is a significant trend in Islamic theology and education. This discipline, which is part of the humanities and Islamic sciences in various schools and universities, familiarizes students with the background, emergence, evolution, and decline of various religions. It involves studying the principles of each religion, including their rules, customs, beliefs, and ethics. This field is particularly suitable for those interested in Islamic subjects and generally ideological and philosophical topics. Graduates can find opportunities in various sectors such as education, teaching, journalism, research, and other employment positions. This discipline provides a comprehensive understanding of various religions and mystical traditions.

Degree Master
Program Unit 28 - 32 Unit
Category Type The tuition Master's degree in non-medical, February semester historical Public Universities Islamic civilization
Group ادیان و عرفان و تاریخ فرهنگ و تمدن اسلامی
